Sunday, September 9, 2012

The adventures of a Southern Belle

I like to imagine myself as Miss Scarlet in Gone With the Wind.

::Which by the way my daughter does not like that movie.  I purchased it, here in Japan, all excited to have a girls movie day.  Eating popcorn, dressed in our PJ's, feet propped up and watching Gone With the Wind.  Oh, the drama, the cotton plantations, the war, the romance between Miss Scarlet and Rhett Butler.  We watched the first hour of the movie and Rachal was bored.  Said the words were too big and she didn't understand it anyway.  My heart was sad.  But I digress and back to the point of this post.::

I like to think that I am a true Southern Belle.  A true lady from the South.  So, like all good women from the South, I own a Moo-Moo.  At first I was hesitant.  I knew that ladies older than me wore Moo-Moo's.  I had debated with myself for months about purchasing one but after that  first moment I put one on I was sold.  I remember the day well, I was in Mobil, Alabama (see, I am a Southern Belle).  I was hot and put on this Moo-Moo and let me tell you, the sun did shine upon my face, the angels did sing and a breeze did blow.  There was so much room.  So much movement.  I felt alive and cool all at the same time.  OK, so maybe it was not that glorious of a moment but I was sold on the comfort and freedom.  You must know that I own a Moo-Moo and what one looks like to understand the rest of my story. 

You see they are big, roomy, comfortable house dress.

So this morning, I was trying to get my laundry washed and hanging outside before church.  I was also trying to get four children up, dressed, fed and out the door for church.  So I was busy, running around doing ten things at once.  Anyway, I was walking, rather quickly, through the living room and into my bedroom.  I walked passed one of our floor fans.  As I did my Moo-Moo whipped around the base of the fan and somehow I became caught on the fan.  {I told you I was moving quickly}  The fan began to tip over and make a funny nose.  I was also trying to keep my balance.  I was walking forward and the fan was pulling me back.  As the fan was tipping over I reached back to stop the fan from falling.  My thumb went through the safety guard around the blades.  The blades were still spinning. I could not get my thumb out of the fan (still behind my back, mind you) and I could not move as my legs are tied up because my Moo-Moo is still wrapped around the base of the fan.  My thumb was stuck now in the fan and the blades are hitting it each time they spin.  Then all of the sudden the blades stop moving and the fan makes a horrible screeching sound.  At this point, I remember the buttons to the fan are on the base.  I use my big toe and hit stop.  It takes me a few seconds to free my legs.  I finally pull my thumb out of the fan and then the pain sets in.  I look around to see the stunned faces of my loving family.  Mind you this all took about 30 seconds to happen but it sure seemed like a lot longer.  In the picture you can see where the fan blade came to a stop in my thumb.  I now know why my mom always told me not to play with the fan. 

I hope you can all get a good laugh at my
adventure of being a true Southern Belle. 

Proverbs 17:22
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine...


  1. Can I say "I told you so"? That had to hurt really bad. I'm surprised you did not hurt yourself more than that. Hope you are ok. I'm kissing your boo boo. Now "How many times have I told you not to mess with the fans. You will get hurt"

    1. I know I know!!! Mike was kind enough to show me the warning sticker on the fan blade that says "Caution" this afternoon.

  2. LOL... LOL... OMGosh... Moo Moo's rule - I appreciate a good Moo Moo and a good laugh. I do agree with Rachal - the movie can drag but would be spicer if someone would have jumped up and smacked Scarlett in the kisser a few times or if a burning building in Atlanta would have fell on her. It lacked ACTION ... to much oh poor poor me ... yuck. :)
