Monday, July 29, 2013

Summer time in Japan means neighborhood festivals - Matsuri

Last summer we didn't know what to expect.  We went to the park a little nervous about what would happen.

This year .... this year my kids have been asking, "When is the matsuri?" 
In a few weeks we will go to the city wide matsuri.  It is much bigger and ends the night with fireworks.  Rachal will wear a yukata.  We will eat chocolate dipped bananas and roasted corn on the cob.  I can hardly wait!!

Here are the pictures from our neighborhood matsuri.

Eli in his yukata

Noah, Rachal and Eli with snow cones




Eli the ramine contest.
Drink Japanese soda as fast as you can.  Winner gets a prize.

Noah's turn



Jonah could not make it to the matsuri this year.  He was not feeling up to it.  But, because our apartment is across the street from the park we were able to bring him food and win prizes for him.  Everyone had fun!!

While tucking Eli into bed he said, "Mom, I am going to miss the matsuri next year.  I will be back in America." 

"Oh, Eli, we will go to the State Fair of Texas.  It's almost the same thing!" 


  1. What a hoot! The state fair is much the same thing. :o) Oh yes--minus Japanese sodas, traditional dress, etc. Loved your pictures and seeing the kids having such fun. I found you on Baptist Missionary Women and will certainly visit again. God bless you!

    1. Thank you so much Lou Ann. Please stop by and check out what our family is up to anytime! I love being able to share how much fun we have serving God.
