Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Boys will be boys

On Tuesday late afternoon, Mike and I noticed that the kids had been outside playing for a while.  No one had come to tattle, no one had come in to complain about being tired, no one had come in for a drink of water.  We laughed to each other that they must really be having fun at the park.

Then, Rachal came in and said, "Mom, get the camera.  You have got to see this." 

So outside Mike and I went, camera in hand.  We noticed a few kids standing around the sand pit.  Rachal started giggling.  I said, "What is going on?"  And then from around the corner we saw . . . . this little project that had kept the kids happy and playing all afternoon.

I hope you enjoy . . . we sure did!!  :)

 Yes, my boys buried Eli in the sand . . . .

 . . . . up to his neck!!

 He lost his shoe.

 Found it!!

She is asking us - "What are you doing?"

Well, sweet girl, they are just being boys!!

1 comment:

  1. love it,so funny glad they are getting to play and have "normal" fun. Love ya and miss ya
