Saturday, May 5, 2012

He's still working on me . . .

Today God has been reminding again and again that HE is still working on me.

First try is on the left.  Second try (with baking soda) on the right.
This morning I got up with the plans to make eggs and toast for breakfast.  We have eggs, toast and sometimes (when it's on sale) bacon on Saturdays.  I started this our fist Saturday in our apartment.  I did it again the next Saturday.  Jonah said, "Mom I love how you have started a family tradition so quickly in Japan.  I love having eggs and toast every Saturday."  So from those sweet words I have made it a point to always have eggs and toast on Saturday mornings.  So this morning, I again planned for eggs and toast.  As I was getting things ready to start cooking I saw the bottle of syrup that my mom sent in the box we got this week.  And then the idea hit me!!  Let's have PANCAKES instead!!  So I went to the computer and found a recipe for Fluffy Pancakes.  I jotted down the ingredients and off to the kitchen I went.  I mixed the flour, the egg, the milk and oil together.  Poured the batter on the hot griddle and TRIED to make pancakes.  They were so flat - more like crapes than pancakes.  I went back and checked the recipe again.  Flour - check, Egg - check, Milk - check, Oil - check!!  I looked up another recipe to compare.  The second one had an extra ingredient - Baking Soda!!!  So I added baking soda and prayed they would turn out better.  The kids had figured out my surprise and were excited about Fluffy Pancakes!  They did turn out a little better, a little thicker but not much.  (They were so bad I didn't want to take a picture.)  While cooking the rest of the batter the song "He's Still Working On Me" came to mind.  I am still learning how to do things the Japanese way.  I am still learning about His Grace and Mercy each day.  I am still learning how to show grace and mercy each day (I have three active boys and an almost teenage daughter - lots of grace and mercy needed each day).  I am still learning how to make things from scratch.  I am still a work in progress.  And I am so thankful that He's still working on me!!

This afternoon I had to go to the store for a few important items - milk, juice and toilet paper.  I have been struggling with not having a car.  I want a car so bad.  I want my freedom to go and do when I want.  I don't mind riding a bike.  I don't mind walking places.  I don't mind taking the bus or train.  BUT I really want a car.  {insert whinny voice here}  God is still working on me!!  On the way to the store I began to think about why I am thankful I don't have a car.  No gas to pay for, no maintenance, no parking fees, I am losing weight on my bike, I have a chance to see more people when on a bike, and so on. 
So as I am talking to God, telling him I am OK on my bike.  I will be alright on foot.  I pull up in front of our apartment and see this bike.  I have never seen a bike made by Hummer.  Didn't know they had a bike division!!  All I have ever seen are the big box like SUV.  I smiled.  Just felt like it was God's sense of humor.

So you see . . . .

He's still working on me. 
To make me what I ought to be. 
It took Him just a week to make the moon and stars. 
The Sun and the Earth and
Jupiter and Mars.
How loving and patient He must be. 
Because He's still working on me!!


  1. Great post! Thanks for th reminder.

  2. I always enjoy your stories. glad you enjoyed the syrup. I've made pancakes that look like that and they weren't made from scratch. You are doing great. Love you and miss you

  3. Do you ever feel like those flat pancakes? :)
    I heard this song on the radio this morning just as I was reading your post - thought of you:
