Thursday, June 28, 2012

A day in Karatsu

On Friday, June 22, my Japanese friend invited me and the kids over to her house for a birthday party.  You see June is a busy month of birthdays for us.  The birthdays are as follows - Noah - May 29 {not June but close enough}, Eli - June 16, Junko - June 18, Aiko - June 23 and me - June 24. 

Birthday cake

While the kids played, I asked Junko about the town of Karatsu.  How long by train to get there?  What kind of town?  What about the growth of the town?  I told her we would like to visit the city sometime soon.  She began to help me plan our trip.  What trains we should take.  When was the best time to leave.  When to come back home.  And then she said, "I want to come with you.  My family would like to go too."  I was excited that she would want to take a day trip with us.  That our families would get to know each other better.  That Mike would have a chance to get to know her husband.  So we made plans and set a date.

Karatsu Castle
::This is the rainy season.  The day of our trip we got over 10 inches of rain. 
Sorry for the gray, cloudy skys::

Our day was
train ~ subway ~ trian ~ lunch ~ walking ~ rain ~ more rain ~  walking ~ 258 stairs {Rachal counted} ~  Castle ~ down the stairs ~ bus ride ~ train ~ subway ~ Mister Donut ~ shopping ~ trian ~ home sweet home at 6:45 pm!!

The train had a place for the kids to pretend to drive the train. 
They all loved it!!

Jonah and Eli
Eli loves the trains.

Inside Hakata Station. 
It is huge and very busy.

Mike is buying our train tickets.

The Wyatt's ready to board the subway!

On the train ....

having a good time talking.

Lunch - fried shrimp, rice, soup and salad.

The salad had octopus, shripm and fish eggs.

I finished my salad - yummy!

Junko's lunch - Fish, rice, soup and salad.
(yep, the fish still has his eyes)

The kids having fun playing while the adults talk.

On the way home Junko told me that someday she would like to go to America to study the Bible.  I told her she didn't have to go to America, we can study the Bible here in Japan, together.  Next Friday, July 6 at 10:00 am, Junko is going to start a Bible study with me.  We plan to meet once a week and learn about the Bible and who God is.  She has so many questions.  I know Jesus is the answer.  Please, pray with me for Junko and her family.

Junko, Tsuyoshi, Sakarako (1), Godai (5), Aiko (3)
Jonah was asked to be in the picture too!
     Please pray for us as we are trying to reach out to the country of Japan. 
     I want to make a difference in this country. 
     I want to shine my light for Jesus in this dark world.

    Rachal (12), Mike, Cristy, Noah (14), Jonah (10), Eli (8)

1 comment:

  1. Love it, can't wait for that call one day, soon, that Junko has accepted the Lord as her Savior. I pray her whole family will be saved. Ya'll are doing a awesome work for the Lord over there
